Saturday, August 28, 2004


what a week..been busy for the first time this year..hehehe..that really shows im practically doing nothing. Well last aug 25 was the anniversay of my parents..the party was good..a lot of food was served and everybody was talking with each and everyone. the sets were really great..thanx to the people who contributed on doing it..after the party the next day..may cuzin and my aunt flew back to manila and on the other day my other cuzin also went back to manila..
what else can i talk about..amm oh yah im planning to dread my hair..hehe well thats all for now..

Sunday, August 22, 2004

what a day

my sunday started so early around 1am or 2am..had a talk with my aunt.. well just to clarify on somethings..i just hope everything will be okay..well today i went to church coz its sunday ..not the entire family was there coz they also have somethings to do so they went to church in the afternoon it was my lolos 40 days death celebration.. hehe kinda weird hah celebrating a death..well i dont know how to say it but it really is like celebrating..ammm i dont know why i like to type somethings here in this blog,,i dont even know if other people are reading this..but anyway it halps me kill time.. heheh k thats all for now..

Friday, August 20, 2004


today was just okay.. i felt good physically even thought my left hand is a little bit not on its top condition.. i still can hit some balls..yah i played tennis today, thats what keeps me going these days..aside bieng here infront of this tube, hehe..and oh ya my tita just arrive anf brought with her a lot of sweet foods.. hmmm sabroso..lami...k thats all for today

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

nothing much

today.. i did something i made an invitation for my parents anniversary. it was cool coz at least im doing something usefull hehe..and yah i ate 2 burgers im realy full now im sleepy..if anybody will sort of get to read this pls.. tell me how to add pictures here.. i saw some blog with pictures on it.. it was cool..k im going to liv you with this..thanx seeyah..

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


bla bla bla..lifes like that..hit or miss

now that i know how to use asking what is this for? what should i write here? hehehe i know it could be just about anything under the sun..hehe right now im blank no words at all.. okay ..i will try next time k?

Sunday, August 15, 2004


how does this work? im not sure about this thing yet so im sorry..