Tuesday, September 21, 2004


if you wanted honesty, then thats all you got to say...hehe from a song im not okay bu my chemical romance..the band is fine.. then have a cool name a very catchy name..well whats with today,, nothing.. its been a while since i wrote something here, coz i figured out nobody is reading .. so whats the point..anyway if ever you read this.. just give a sign okay? hehe.. been the same since the last time..so there is nothing to blog about hahaha,, k have to hit the sack by good nite,,

Thursday, September 02, 2004


whats wrong with this world, people killing people, they might as well eat them up too. have you seen an animal killing their own species? fighting, yes but killing coz of some sort reason? nope you willl never see one.. then why are we creating armys, soldiers to kill others..we dont build tanks or fighter planes just for the sake of building.. we built it coz someday we are going to use it..why do we have to do this.. arent we humas? i thought we all wanted peace..how can we have war for peace..thats like fucking for virginity, Yah we all know that there are bad folk out there, but maybe killing them is like being them, can you see my point? so whats right for us? and whats right for them? why dont we all just mind our own business. and let nature take its course..sometimes i wonder what would earth be without humans, maybe it would be a better world after all, no poluttion no buildings just nature. we never thought of it right? we humans are like viruses, we spread pollution we kill this planet little by little, and later on realizes that we are all bunch of wrong dowers, who doesnt know whats right from wrong..well lets live and lets die..coz we all are nothing but just humans,.
ey deadlock hair is fun..but a little bit annoying coz everybody is commenting on something but anyways.. i id mine without wax or accelerator.. so guess what after 3 days .. damn its getting untangled..so i think i have to untangled it myself before i look funny..then i have to wait till i got some real stuff for real dreadlocking hehehe,,.. this past few days was all about my dreads..it took a long time to backcomb but i think it will only take a few minutes to untangled damn i hate this..i wanted dreadlocks since the first time i saw it..hehehe