Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Year had gone so fast

this aint a picture of arizona, or maybe it is. I do not know coz I just got it from a site it looks kinda cold out there isn't it?

The reason I paste it there is just for nothing all i want to say is its starting to get cold here in arizona just like one year ago when i landed here, I even said to myself, "america must be so rich coz they got aircondition all around the country " hehe..amm i dont have much to say anyway. i just can't sleep so i thought about writing something again.. I know nobody will ever get to read this.. I dont care! no i care but what I mean is its fine with me if nobody reads my blog..

Life is really funny, I dont know why sometimes we tend to be so serious about life, Life is a game we play around here just like little kids playing with their toys, we win or we lose it wont matter we all lived the same life,..its all about what your role is that make you who you are, like in batman begins katie homes said " its what you do that defines you" i forgot the first line anyway.. it was something like " its not who you are.. its bla bla bla" sorry i cant remember anymore..hehe but you know what i meant..

So laugh about life okay if your broke then laugh that you are broke if your down then laugh and say im down..dont be so serious about life, its a gift that God gave us to experience and to play out part as a being on is something we need to appreciate and love..Life is a true experience.


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