Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Street of Love

You're awful bright, you're awful smart.
I must admit you broke my heart

The awful truth is realy sad
I must admit I was awful bad

this is a line taken from one song of the rolling stones.. kinda cachy and really meaningful

its about walking in the Street of Love..
seeing everyone falling in love, and loving one another..and most of all its also about beaking ones heart..its actually a sad song but it sends up a message telling that..if you walk the Street of Love things will be alright..and you can see everybody walking on the same street..

Well thats al nothing much to say about t anyway...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

S0 This is Christmas

Nothing is more perfect than a christmas with all memebers of the family together, the grandparents, the uncles, the titas, the cuzins, the friends, and most of all your parents and your siblings..Christmas should be very special for Christians coz we are celebrating the birthday of our Jesus Christ..Christmas is not ablout giving gift , though its part of christmas traditions, but for myself i would have rather spent time going to church than spent time waiting to open some presents..even though i admit it is exciting to open some presents,. my point is we sometimes tend to forget what Christmas is.. the real meaning of it ..for some people Christmas is just the time where they dont go to work and a time to eat and open presents and give some presents.. where is Jesus? sometimes they just forget what Christmas is really all about..

My Christmas is not the Christmas i was expecting it to be.. coz i missed the most important part of it..going to church and pray..coz of some reasons.. well im sorry for that.. just know i did'nt forget JESUS... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND..


Monday, December 12, 2005

Thats me..its cool right it looks like a metal plate with my face on it..

well im just bored again so i just thought of posting it..yah i know nobody will see it .. but again like i said who cares.. im just wasting my time here..hehe so amm what should i share for now?

about life again? yah i know some of you hate life.. yah i do sometimes but came to realize that living is all that long as we are living thats cool..each one of us are different..we have something in common but our lives our different.. so just by the thought of it.. we need to share something to this world..whatever that is.. its all up to what you want to do or where your life is leading you..

like for myself i have no idea what my life is all just living the life im living..if we meet then we meet if we dont then we dont meet..just think of how many people you met in your entire life.. some of them made an mpact and some did not.. but put it the other way around , do you think you made an impact on their lifes?..So maybe there is a reason why we meet other people.. maybe we need something from them or they need something from us..something we do not know.. something that will make us better..

Wait am i talking non-sense? haha so who ever gets to read this.. come to think you might want to give it a try maybe.. there is a reason why you got into my page.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

the bus stop where i always sit and wait for the you can see the side walk is wet hehe and bihind that bus sto is where im working,, thats the bell road and 12th street., thats the only world i got hehe..i just took it coz i wanted to not for anything.. as you can see there is no person walking. I was the onl one walking..

Thursday, December 08, 2005

nothing much

well im getting ready for new shift schedule is 6pm to 6am now.. so its kinda adjustemt time again.. so far its good coz it seems faster then my previous shift..and im starting to ride my new bike again..thought its freezing outside.. hehe..i want to buy myself a gloves..

so how are you guys doing am i talking t somebody here? guess nope.. k see yah..strangers..