well im just bored again so i just thought of posting it..yah i know nobody will see it .. but again like i said who cares.. im just wasting my time here..hehe so amm what should i share for now?
about life again? yah i know some of you hate life.. yah i do sometimes but came to realize that living is all that matters..as long as we are living thats cool..each one of us are different..we have something in common but our lives our different.. so just by the thought of it.. we need to share something to this world..whatever that is.. its all up to what you want to do or where your life is leading you..
like for myself i have no idea what my life is all about..im just living the life im living..if we meet then we meet if we dont then we dont meet..just think of how many people you met in your entire life.. some of them made an mpact and some did not.. but put it the other way around , do you think you made an impact on their lifes?..So maybe there is a reason why we meet other people.. maybe we need something from them or they need something from us..something we do not know.. something that will make us better..
Wait am i talking non-sense? haha so who ever gets to read this.. come to think you might want to give it a try maybe.. there is a reason why you got into my page.
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