Sunday, July 27, 2008


This fighter's dream was to be a successful boxer, a sport where in the likes of Mohamad Ali, Surag Ray Leonard, Oscar dela Hoya and our very own Manny Pacquiao was successful at. But in every boxing ring there are two boxer in which one will be the winner and the other one will be the loser. These boxers are so eager to be a world class champ, some will make it outside the country and some will definitely fall and drop on the canvas. Like this boxer in the picture, he barely reached 4th round when a stronger opponent threw a heavy blow right in his head. He was unconscious for about 5 seconds, he tried his best gave his all and yet he never stood up. How many boxers out there will go home as a loser for his opponents success victory.
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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Who Lies..Dies.

I had a taste of a sin and it was so sour
need to follow my dream and don't be coward
got that pain in my chest and I'm bothered..
here goes the liars telling sweet lines to another.

I'm a liar and I'm telling the truth...
I'm a joke but I'm serious
I may be blind but i can see
I say no but i mean yes
I'm a liar but I tell the truth..

my eyes don't see what my mind sees
my hands don't touch what my heart feels
my mouth don't talk what my voice says
so cant you see the lies behind those eyes?

I got this feeling about people
they drag you down to let you feel
those line you keep on saying?
doesn't mean anything at all
a bunch of liars will make shit happen
lies will separate people, while truth will be hard to tell
bitter truth and sweet there anything else ?
I'm a liar, now can you say the truth?